Welcome, Step In!

Join the MedicineWithin Movement

You have the MedicineWithin to heal yourself, heal future generations, and heal the planet. Yes, you do!

move | align | trust | shine

Are you ready to experience deep healing, phenomenal wellbeing, and delight? Would you like to cultivate vitality, feel greater freedom, connection, and joy? 

Ok then. Let’s begin.

Jen Kraft is an angel for me. From the first contact, she was responsive and accessible. Jen is a rare find- a PT offering Holistic Pelvic Care. Her skillful presence guided me through emotions and pain to my intuition and sense of pleasure. Jen always gave me an energetic boost and a sense of community. Jen’s PT work is soothing and powerful.
— JT

Your Body is Sacred, Amazing, and Divine. Sense it. Feel it. Listen to it. Move it.

Celebrate it.

Jen is knowledgeable, sympathetic, fun, open, enthusiastic, and uses a wide range of modalities.
— SF

I am on a mission to help women reclaim their body as a sacred vessel, learn to tap into their intuition and access the wisdom within their bodies.


integrative physical therapy

Orthopedics & Women’s Health

Holistic Pelvic Health

Prenatal & Postnatal Care


MedicineWithin Vitality Coaching

Step into a life filled with vitality and greater joy. Allow your soul to shine!

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MedicineWithin Movement

Movement is medicine and dancing makes everything better!


Cultivating Pelvic Health & Sexual Wellness

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Tap into your mind-heart-pelvis connection in order to cultivate greater pelvic health and sexual wellness.

Sacred Pelvis: Pleasure, Power, Passion

Holistic Back Care: A Paradigm for Self Care

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Nourish your core and engage in the energetic power of your pelvic bowl in order to more fully thrive.

Coming Winter 2021.